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閥聯鎖系統 Valve interlocks
密鑰鎖定管理 Key management
電動板手系列 Power Wrench portable actuator

Company Infomation

Smith Flow Control and Netherlocks Safety Systems have merged. Two global leaders in the field of valve operations have joined forces and moved on as Sofis. With our combined expertise, our united service team and a doubled office and partner network we are bigger and stronger and thus better able to give worldwide support and cater every market need. Over the last three decades we have led and developed the interlock market. We also devised new product segments by continuously bringing new ideas to fruition. Now it is time to take the next step and make your valve operations smarter, together.


Valve interlocks

Enforce adherence to your valve operating procedures.

With mechanical valve interlocks permanently mounted on your valves. you avoid human error during critical valve operations, Benefit from our unprecedented interlocking expertise. We have developed and are manufacturer of the most renowned interlocking brands:

  • Smith
  • Netherlocks
  • Ellis

Safe and efficient valve operation
Valve interlocks guarantee safety and a right-first-time approach to manual valve operation through bra key transfer principle. Valve interlocks are mechanical devices which are permanently mounted to your equipment. They avoid operator error by forcing operators to follow recommended procedures. By eliminating human error, they save money and remove safety risks.

Optimize your operating performance

Guaranteed right-first-time operation
Higher equipment efficiency and asset availability
Reliable process-status feedback through colour-coded key positions
Improved HS&E performance

Premium design

Integral lock assembly
AISI 316 stainless steel

Easy installation

Bespoke mounting kit for perfect fit
Sequence-free commissioning with one-time Q-card commissioning keys

VPI position indicators

Signal real-time status information from your multi-turn valves.

Receive electronic signals from VPl when your valve reaches its fully open or closed position. And get position information in the field with the use of LED indicators.

Power Wrench portable actuator

Increase operating speed during downtime and maintenance.

With Power Wrench, you significantly reduce time spent on incidental valve operation. You equip any multi-rotation valve with a Power Wrench coupling within minute. Power Wrench offers you speed and convenience. wherever and whenever you need it.